Lite Shield Frame and Component Protectors
Lite Shield is actually not just one product, but a special material that we use for several different products including our popular Lite Shield Frame, Fork and Crank shields. We also offer a Handlebar protector and our new full wrap Chainstay protector made out of the Lite Shield material. The Lite Shield material is a 12mil (.3mm) PVC - the same material that they use for motorcycle protection and while light is unbelievably tough! Unlike polyurethane protectors which have a soft feel when you press them with your fingernail, the Lite Shield material has a much harder surface feel. The adhesion is excellent and while it has a bit of a rigid feel when you remove it from the backer, a quick blast of heat from a heat gun or hair dryer will make it pliable and easy to apply to even sharp radius curves. Once applied, the Lite Shield protectors creates a hard shell which offers incredibly durable protection against rocks and other trail debris. Lite Shield protectors can also be "stacked" by applying one on top of another doubling the thickness!
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